Wednesday, April 24, 2019

VonRoss Debates | My Argument on Importance of Playground Shade Canopies at Everglades Highschool

by VonRoss McGhie

VonRoss on a sunny South Florida Beach Photo Used for Debate Blog on Playground Shade Canopies
At Hallandale Beach in South Florida

“Fellow Senators,

You will be hearing two facts of playground shade canopies. 

First, playground shade canopies can reduce skin cancer. 

Second playground shade canopies can prevent kids from over-heating. 

Florida is known as the Sunshine State for a reason, Florida is the fifth sunniest state. Florida has sunny days 70 percent of the year. This might sound great for tourists, but for people that live in Florida to much sun can cause deadly skin cancer. We should fund playground shade canopies to prevent kids from over-heating and reduce deadly skin cancer. Especially on a hot day.

So in conclusion, I support this bill because playground shade canopies prevent kids from over-heating and reduce deadly skin cancer.” – VonRoss McGhie, Everglades Highschool Debate February 20, 2019

Ms.K  was instrumental to my debate on why funding for playground shade canopies is important.

That's all folks, VonRoss here, peace!